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James Stone - Lead Artist for Immortal Samurai Comics and one of the Creators of Conquest.
Artist of Chain Reaction one shot by writer Josh Southall and Conquest written by Steve Stone.

James Stone is from Las Vegas, NV. and has always a fan of art, he never really pursued sequential art seriously until High School where he was the vice president of the art club and editor of the high school comic book. After High School he received many packages from FL. about a comic book called Conquest which was originally drawn by his older brother Steve. After much refining, the stories were sent for James to take over the art. He is a self taught artist, studying comic art from his vast comic book collection. Notable favorites include Jim Lee, Scott McDaniel, Erik Larsen, Frank Miller, Mike Turner, Mike Weiringo, Scott Williams & Richard Friend to name but a few. Starting out with pencil on paper to the digital realm, he uses a combination of both to keep improving his skills


Chris Swinson is the creator of Alpha-Level.Net, on his site you will see all his original comic book characters and mini comics. Check out his site!

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